
Showing posts from January, 2024

New Moon

New moon, new moon i wonder where you are look out into space, gazing afar i see the the twinkling stars and still i can't see you  new moon you may be very far i look for warming glows behind the swaying trees arising in the east new moon, new moon i can't find you tonight new moon, new moon i wonder where you are, oh moon the stars are here with me  but you're still missing from my canopy new moon, i hope to see you soon new moon, new moon if i am to see you soon my heart will be so glad and i will know you love in the end if i am to see you soon i want ta kiss upon my cheek for there my eyes will know your glow my heart will beat and beat new moon, it's time for us to meet a sliver of your light can make a heart delight new moon don't stay away so long come see me another night where you're beaming bright new moon, new moon!